
Showing posts from March, 2021

Interviewing a former ESL student

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my 2 nd Vblog post. In this entry, I interviewed my friend Katie, who was an ESL student in FBISD in 2 nd -12 th grade. Katie’s home language is Chinese, but the first language she ever learned was ASL due to her hearing loss. The language she is most comfortable with is ASL. English was a difficult language for Katie to learn due to her hearing loss. Due to Katie’s hearing loss, she was non-verbal until 2 nd grade. When she was in 2 nd grade, she began the ESL program at her elementary school, which was Pull-Out English as a Second Language Instruction. This model is commonly used in elementary schools, but Wright mentions, “. . . students miss out on instruction in their regular classrooms when they are pulled out” (2019, p. 113). Katie did feel like she missed out on important things, like independent reading time. She also felt different than the other students and felt she was being separated from her classmates. Although the pull-out prog...